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Tuesday 16 October 2012

3rd HUMES WARBLER for Scilly!


  I had a look at a Red-brested Flycatcher in Old Town Church, but it was a beggar to see. Across the road and I joined Higgo at the Dump Clump for the 3rd Scilly HUMES WARBLER that Tim Vaughan found yesterday. After 10 minutes we saw the bird and in bright light it could easily be passed off as Yellow-browed. However, in the shadows, as you can see in the top shot, it looked good for the Humes. Tim discovered the warbler by call when it moved through with Chiffs and when he played a tape of Humes, it responded.

Red-breasted Flycatcher and Goldcrest at Old Town Church

An interesting bird. It looks like a Yellow-browed Warbler with a Humes call.

It came on the radio that there was a Coal Tit at Newford Duckpond. As I still needed it for Scilly, I was there with in seconds and ended up looking first at a Firecrest. A turn around to look at a noisy tit flock and found the Irish Coal Tit by it's call. I think it was something like 'May your god go with you' and 'It's a cracker', it's the way I tell them' feeding in the Elms before it moved on. I've now got visions of the great late Dave Allen moving through the top of trees.

2 1st winter female and a single 1st winter male Ring-necked Duck arrived in the late afternoon flying around Porthloo area where they settled down briefly on the sea before flying to Lower Moors. As expected, they moved off the latter site and spent the night at Porth Hellick.

La Rue Kétanou is a French music between chanson and folk rock group with mixed elements of reggae music, bohemian style of life, theatre, poetry and humor. Its name is a deformation of La rue qui est à nous, which means The street that's ours.
The first album of La Rue Kétanou, En attendant les caravanes (Waiting for the caravans) was finally produced in 2001. After some time doing tours throughout France, the group completed a second album Y'a des cigales dans la fourmilière (There are cicadas in the ant-hill) in 2002. In 2004, they released a live album Ouvert à double tour. After this album, there were rumours that they were about to break up, which have proven untrue so far. Florent, however, spent some time in a related project, the group T'inquiète Lazare. Mourad and Olivier also formed a new band with several other musicians and friends, Mon côté punk.
After this pause, the group is touring again with two new members, Pierre Joseph and Simoné Monticelloni.

1 comment:

  1. The Hume's in Northumberland on Friday gone was much like your bird, looked like a slightly dulled down Yellow-browed with a Hume's call.
