At the beginning of July I recieved this letter from Greenpeace.
Shell wants permission to drill for oil in the Arctic. It’s incredibly risky and any spill would be impossible to clear up. The spilt oil would be trapped in the icy waters, destroying the food supply of polar bears, narwhals and walruses.
Shell doesn’t care about our planet - or our kids’ future. And they’re slapping their logo on kids' toys. Tell Lego to dump Shell now:Lego are putting Shell logos on millions of toys. The deal helps Shell look like a legitimate company instead of an accident-prone disaster!
Legitimate-seeming oil companies find it much easier to get permits to drill the Arctic than companies with a reputation for recklessness.
Let’s screw up Shell’s cover story by getting Lego to dump them. We need big petition numbers to show Lego their profits are at risk.
Lego is the most profitable toy company in the world. They have highly paid PR staff who work solely on protecting their family-friendly image – let’s get them firing off panicked emails to the Chief Executive!
It’s our kids who’ll pay the price if we don’t keep our planet healthy. So we’re blocking oil companies at sea, making plans to get an Arctic sanctuary, and targeting Shell’s business partners like Lego.
That's why we need more people with us. Lego still need to be convinced that Shell is bad news, so please ask your friends if they'll join us.Lego has fallen in with the wrong crowd. It’s teamed up with Shell.
Shell is trying to appear like a family-friendly company to distract from its reckless Arctic drilling plans. Everyone loves to play with Lego, but no one wants to see them playing with Shell. Add your name to tell Lego to cut ties with Shell.
LEGO are rattled. First our video was removed from Youtube. Hours later, it was put back after thousands of us voiced our outcry!
But LEGO are still refusing to meet us. So in 4 days, undercover LEGO agents will go to their Head Office in Slough to deliver every single name on the petition asking them to dump Shell.
You’ve already signed along with 103,239 potential LEGO customers - if each of us now share the petition with one more person we can double that number before we visit LEGO.
The bigger number they see, the more worried they’ll be about future sales.
LEGO has very senior managers based in the UK. They care deeply about UK sales figures and the reputation of their brand. Right now, that reputation is being damaged by their refusal to reconsider their partnership with Shell.
In 4 days, Greenpeace volunteers will show up at their office in front of LEGO’s staff and the public with all the names of people who want them to dump Shell.
It might just be the nudge the Chief Executive needs to pick up the phone to the CEO in Denmark, and tell him it’s time to end their misguided deal with Shell.
So let’s make sure that number is huge. Share this email with your friends.
When we work together we get results. From getting Jewsons to drop Amazon timber, to confronting Statoil near Bear Island, bit by bit we’re making companies behave responsibly. Together we can get LEGO to come over to the good side, too.
Can you ask more people to join in and sign here?
Thanks for all you do,
Fran and the Arctic team
PS: Yesterday, volunteers went to LEGO’s HQ in Denmark to try to deliver the names of everyone who has signed the petition to the CEO. But they were stonewalled. LEGO seem to think that if they carry on ignoring us, we’ll eventually go away. Let’s show them how wrong they are: On the 4th July Greenpeace volunteers also sneaked into Legoland to create miniature Lego people protests – and kick off a PR nightmare. A photo of angry Lego people climbing a miniature Big Ben is already all over the internet.
If Shell is allowed to drill in risky Arctic seas, the result could be a massive oil spill. Lego’s website says “it is undisputedly our ambition to protect children’s right to live in a healthy environment, both now and in the future."
Oh, really Lego? Then dump Shell:

The video Shell doesn't want you to see from Greenpeace on Youtube. Priceless Grand Prix moment BREAKING: Our @Shell Grand Prix ceremony video has been banned from YouTube. So, we put it back up Grab it while you can. And reupload it. Tell Shell what we think of #censorship"
Join the movement to savethearctic.org
LEGO: Everything is NOT awesome from Greenpeace on Youtube. This video reached over 3 million views on YouTube before it was censored. Lord Business wants to control everything, but he can’t block free speech. Tell LEGO to end its partnership with Shell and help Save the Arctic:
grnpc.org/Ig0qP Creativity forever.